Chris Evans MP attends the launch of the first national guidelines for concussion in sport

May 24, 2023

Last week, Chris Evans MP attended Love of the Game’s Parliamentary Drop- In event to mark the launch of the first national guidelines for concussion in grassroot sport.

The new ‘If In Doubt, Sit Them Out’ guidelines outline the best practice for those individuals who are affected. The guidance also highlights the risk of players playing on with symptoms of concussion can make the symptoms worse, significantly delay recovery, and, should another head injury occur, can result in more severe injury.

The new guidelines, published by the UK Government, include:

  • Assessment of any suspected concussion by an onsite Healthcare Professional
  • Call to NHS 111 within 24 hours of the injury
  • 24-hour break from competition
  • Training following a suspected concussion before gradual return to sport.

During the event, Mr Evans met with the Love of the Game Chairman and the government’s Independent Ministerial Adviser on Concussion in Sport, Laurence Geller CBE, and discussed how the new guidelines will be game changing for players across numerous sports.

Mr Evans also met with former Sheffield United and Leeds United player, Brian Deane, and talked about his time as a player and how crucial these new guidelines will be to players’ safety on the pitch.

Speaking after the event, Chris Evans MP said:

‘Concussion can have serious and heart-breaking consequences for players across their lifetimes.

I am pleased that there are now national guidelines for concussion for grassroot sports. Anyone who plays sport needs to be able to recognise the signs of concussion and know how to take action.’

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